Every day around noon
Raoul, one of the swarthier members of the 'entertainment' staff can
be found strutting around the sun loungers charming the ladies in to
an aerobics session with him in the pool.
'Come on Signoritas!
You's gotta work off the alcohol si!'
Gold rimmed shades,
ponytail and snake hipped he sexually insinuates himself through a
wall of liver spotted cleavages and plastic sun visors.
Sure enough ten minutes
later the pool is a blanket of giggling American housewives staring
adoringly at Raoul who stands on the side thrusting his groin in a
slow circular motion and telling the ladies to follow suit.
The French looks up
from his reading and mutters; 'Fucking Raoul.'
In the evening we're
having some cocktails before dinner and discussing the much
anticipated performance of the “Mexican Michael Jackson.” I never
really understood the appeal of the actual Michael Jackson but I do
find the world of imitators weirdly intriguing. The French however is
uncharacteristically keen and is practising his moon walk in the
middle of the plaza with a drink in one hand and his hat tilted
Jackson style. I wave my glass at one of the staff and beg for
another drink.
The build up is
impressive. There's a big light show and a massive projection of
Jackson's (Liz Taylor phase) eyes. Six dancers appear and start
throwing shapes and even the table of drunken Scots (same table every
day from 10am till 11pm) briefly look up from their drinks and make a
collective noise which could be a heckle or some kind of approval.
Finally Mexican Michael arrives in Thriller mode. He gyrates wildly,
makes that squeaky noise and grabs his groin. The French grins, then
frowns and finally squints.
'It's fucking Raoul.'
'Surely not.'
'I'm telling you –
That. Is. Fucking. Raoul!'
I take a closer look at
the groin rotation. It could definitely be Raoul.
He does all the big
numbers, 11 costume changes and finishes with a dramatic 'It's your
fault I'm dead' kind of blackout. The crowd goes wild.
A couple of hours later
there's a conga line working its way around the fountain and yes,
Raoul is leading it. The man's an animal.
When we arrived The
French was pretty ill with a bad cold. He has since recovered and
passed the baton to me. Our room is littered with half bottles of
Vicks 44 expectorant, Tylenol, Ibruprofen and now Pepto-Bismal which
I picked up yesterday at a Farmacia in Puerto Vallarta. The constant
diet of chilli, lime and Amaretto Sours/Margaritas means heartburn is
unavoidable. The woman in the shop gives me a quick appraisal and
discreetly hands me a list of under the counter drugs available.
Tramadol, Vicodin, HGH...the list is impressive. I start to enquire
about the cost of the diet pills but The French grabs me and pushes
me firmly out of the door.
I catch my reflection
as I walk past the mirror. Cocktail in one hand, Pepto-Abysmal in the
other. I pop an ibroprufon and a tylonel and wash them down with swig
of pepto.
Admittedly I look like
shit and I have a pretty bad cold but I'm on holiday and no one can
take that away from me.
It's 30 degrees and the
French can't take a step without breaking a sweat. My hair has
reacted to the humidity and is eight times its original size. The
French occasionally pretends its become sentient and says he can see
a pulse. The novelty of constant alcohol has worn off but we're still
very much working on the premise that if you're not sure what you
fancy there really is no bad time for a Bloody Mary. We have located
the one man in the hotel who knows how to make a decent coffee. He
works in the 24 hour sports bar and every morning we shuffle in there
with the other 6 people who have discovered him, request a hit, and
give the obligatory half laugh when he suggests a shot of tequila in
Being constantly looked
after and having to do absolutely nothing for yourself except wash is
very seductive but also creates an inertia that makes you feel like
having a nap every twenty minutes. To counteract this we've been
making little trips outside of our cottonwool wrapped world, the
first of which was to Bucerias.
The taxi dropped us off
at the edge of a flea market. It looks like a shanty town and from
the moment you step out of the car you're assaulted by dozens of
people holding up bits of jewellery, rugs, skull mugs. One stand has
gimp style superhero masks. The French points at the Dead Pool one
and says he needs it.
'Take it mi amigo,' the
man says. 'Make all your fantasies come true.'
Another big guy nods at
us, 'Come see my cheap shit.' I don't think his heart is in it.
It's a bit
overwhelming. You want to be polite and say “no thanks” to
everyone but in the end we just push our way through the crowd and
stop responding. We find a restaurant that's been recommended to us.
Miguel Angel is a cool little Mexican place with parrots hopping
around everywhere and palm leaves for a roof. Miguel himself is charm
personified. He looks like Charles Bronson and The French calls him
that for the rest of our visit.
'You like football?'
Miguel asks.
'Of course.'
'Who's your team?'
'I got a sports bar
upstairs, they playing right now.'
There's a small cloud
of dust where the French once stood. Born lucky. I follow up the
stairs and there it is, a hug sports bar with the game playing and
various men staring fixedly at the screen whilst some disenchanted
women shovel tortilla.
A smiling man brings a
bucket full of ice within which are nestled five bottles of corona
and a dish of lime.
'400 pesos amigo.'
The French is about to
distractedly hand over the money and then does the math.
'400?! That's more than
20 pounds. For five beers??'
The man smiles
'Five buckets, amigo.'
'What the fuck do I
want with 25 beers?!'
'Okay, 100 pesos for
one bucket.'
He's tried it on, not
succeeded and there's a slightly tense feeling in the air. Luckily
the outraged French is an affable sort and merely gives him a
friendly slap on the back which nearly floors the tiny chap.
'That's more like it!'
He watches the game and
I watch the room. Everything is so colourful here.
His team wins and we
head downstairs to eat. It's shady and lovely and the waiter brings
me a bucket of passionfruit Margaritas. We eat fish tacos and giant
fried prawns with the obligatory nachos and dip. There's an old boy
playing a keyboard and singing in the corner. He starts 'What a
wonderful world' and its just perfection. A small boy comes in and
tries to sell us handmade bracelets with little dream catchers on
them. He wants 100 pesos (about five quid). They're hideous but he's
a pro and whilst the French tries to haggle him down to 50 pesos the
kid refuses to make eye contact and insists on at least 70. We buy
the damn thing and I'm forced to wear it. He's the first of about 60
people trying to sell us stuff. I wonder if there's a kind soul
somewhere with a room full of sombrero's, rugs, dolphin wind chimes,
marble face ornaments, skull head mugs, grains of rice with their
name on it, cuban cigars...actually we did buy a box of cuban cigars
but turned down the weed that was offered with it.

The third trip we've
been looking forward to all week. We are headed to the 'Rhythms of
the night' event at a little cove some miles away. We travel there by
boat which takes about an hour and a half and involves a glorious
sunset and a lot of rum punch. The team on the boat led by Julio are
hilarious. They throw alcohol at you, play music and do little skits
to keep you amused. There are about 40 of us and everyone is in high
spirits. A man called Tom and his friend recreate the Titanic pose at
the front of the boat, people are dancing and laughing. A hush
descends as the sun sets and before long we are approaching the Las
Caletas cove which is entirely lit by candles and flaming torches.
It's a jungle and as we get nearer we spot a mermaid waving from the
rocks. A girl dressed as an eagle perched in one of the trees. The
water around the boat is clear and thousands of fish are shimmying in
the light. We dock and start making our way up a candle lit path.
Part of a tree unfolds and smiles at us, something that looks like a
cross between a goat and a god plays a lute and a half naked man
painted to look like a deer struts around on the rocks and watches us
suspiciously. It's completely immersive theatre and not what I'd
expected at all. We'd been told the show was influenced by Cirque du
Soleil which I liked and not dissimilar to The Lion King which I
fucking hate. When we reached the clearing the layout was much like
an Ampitheatre with steep wooden stairs at one end leading up to a
large skull surrounded by fire.
'It looks like a
sacrificial alter,' I whisper.

The show starts with a
very entertaining Master Of Ceremonies who walks through the audience
making guttural tribal noises before saying terribly politely “That
means, excuse me please, I need to get through”. The performance
lasts the perfect amount of time (40 minutes) and there's a giant
butterfly in a tree playing a violin, a colourful bird woman on a
wire zooming around overhead, giant stilt walking tree men, monkeys
doing insane balancing acts using only one arm, fire juggling and
dancing. The French keeps staring at the Deer man suspiciously.
“It's fucking Raoul.
I'm certain of it.”
I have absolutely no
idea what the plot is or why the deer gets killed and comes back as a
dancing man but The French assures me its all about the connectedness
of everything in nature and everything serving a purpose. I'm fine
with that.

A bell rings and its
time to head back. The journey is broken up by the crew dressing up
as Kiss and performing for us. No, really. A Liverpudlian chap comes
up to me and nods towards The French.
'Is that big lad with
the hat your fella?'
'He had me and my
girlfriend in bits all the way out on the boat. He was having a dance
and rolling a fag at the same time whilst everyone else was holding
on to the rails for dear life.'
'Yup. That's my one.'
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