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The ghostly trio |
Lips is squinting at his mac screen
whilst Stephen changes the water in the vase that he has somehow
managed to cram a tree in to. I stand at the counter working my way
through a box of pastries I bought at the La Brea Bakery.
I had to wait a while to get served
because – Remember Scrooged? The Bill Murray film? Well, there was
that homeless man in it who was very childlike and had a button nose.
He freezes to death and comes back at the end as an angel. You
remember. Well HE pushed in front of me at the bakery. He wasn't
acting in that film, that's exactly how he is, childlike and a bit
“I'll take a muffin and cwoffee
He's not my first celebrity sighting
but he's definitely the sweetest.
We went to see Dame Edna's Farewell
Tour the previous night and I'm still giggling about one bit where
Edna goes to an Ashram to find herself;
“It was during a morning yoga class
whilst I was doing the downward dog that I had an epiphany. I
realised I just needed to love myself more.” She makes
a sad face and then breaks in to a huge grin. “And possums, I
couldn't have been MORE successful! I can now see myself through your
eyes! Aren't I wonderful!!!”
She constantly refers to the people in
the cheap seats as 'The Missers' as in 'Les Miserables' and tells
them to hold on tight to the wall and not clap lest they should
plummet to their deaths. Funny fucker. At the end of the show Barry
Humphries comes on as himself and chats to the audience. He'd been
sat at the table behind us at dinner before the show and we were all
weirdly a bit star struck by him. As we leave Lips and Stephen decide
I need a pair of Dame Edna glasses despite my protestations. I'm then
made to wear the glasses and pose in front of a life size poster of
Edna whilst they amuse themselves taking pictures.
'Okay, that's booked,' Lips says.
'Whath bookthed?' I mumble through
'Las Vegas.'
I'm so excited I don't react at all.
Just stare unblinkingly until Stephen nods at me.
'We're really going to Vegas?'
Lips nods casually.
'We're booked in to The Cosmopolitan,
you have a smoking room and we have tickets for Cirque Du Soleil's
I kiss Lips and do what passes for an
excited dance – I basically nod and shimmy my shoulders a bit. My
knees have been KILLING me for the last week and I'm hobbling about
like an old crone.
'I'm overexcited,' I say. 'I need to go
and lie down for ten minutes.'
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Backup Mimosa |
They've ruined me those two. Completely. Stephen popped out the other day and left me by the pool writing. But before he went he made me a mimosa. And a back up mimosa on ice. It's alarming how quickly I can adapt to that kind of thing...
We go for a bite to eat before meeting
Barbara, an old work colleague and friend of Lips, at Chateau
Marmont. I've been really wanting to go for a drink at the hotel
because it's iconic and I've read a lot of biographies in which
people have overdosed there. I associate it with John Belushi whom I
love. When we arrive there are paparazzi stationed across the road.
'It's the Grammy's this week,' Lips
explains. 'Lots of celebs staying here before the ceremony.'
Security establish regretfully that
we're not on the list and they're 'at capacity'.
Lips phones Barbara who comes out and
waves at us. Security see her and immediately let us in. As she's not
staying at the hotel we're curious to know why she has such sway.
'Oh, I've been drinking here for
I watch as famous people I couldn't
recognise in a line up strut past me. They all look about twelve.
We head up to the bar and settle in to
big armchairs. The place is exactly what I thought it would be; Dark,
elegant, cosy and slightly 70's in its attitude.
A woman with white curly hair walks
past and Barbara tells us she's a brilliant photographer. I've never
heard of her so she googles some of her work which is easily
There's a garden area through the doors
to our left under a high stone archway. A long table has been set up
and people are sat with white flowers on the table and bottles of
wine, smoking and chatting. The party is in honour of a tiny elegant
blonde sat at one end whom I'm later told is Michelle Williams when
she glides past us on her way out.
I order a cocktail called Big Trouble.
It's bitter and awful, like a negroni, but I drink it anyway. I let
Stephen choose my next one and he picks a Daisy Buchanan which is
basically gin and elderflower and suits me perfectly.
Barbara is a sweetheart, funny and clever. She works at HBO (I think) and tells us stories about Sarah Jessica Parker's frequent presence at work. Apparently she's very nice and very tiny. She tells me about her son Atticus whom I will be meeting at brunch on saturday. She shows me a video of him. He's five and adorable.
Barbara is a sweetheart, funny and clever. She works at HBO (I think) and tells us stories about Sarah Jessica Parker's frequent presence at work. Apparently she's very nice and very tiny. She tells me about her son Atticus whom I will be meeting at brunch on saturday. She shows me a video of him. He's five and adorable.
I head downstairs, slightly tipsy, for
a cigarette. There's one other man there smoking and he waits a beat
before saying hello. We have an animated natter for about ten minutes
and part ways. I recognise his face, I know he's famous for something
but I couldn't for the life of me tell you who he was. He was oddly
fascinated by my trip to Australia and asked a lot of questions about
The following day Lips is finally
finishing jury service (he was guilty) and the three of us are
spending the day in Malibu.
Whilst Stephen attends an acting lesson
in the morning I wander down the promenade in Santa Monica window
shopping and smoking. A man approaches me.
'I'm sorry Ma'am but you can't smoke
I look up to see if there's a ceiling
I've missed but can see only blue sky.
'But I'm outside...aren't I?
'Yes ma'am but you can't smoke on this
'Just this street?'
'That's right. You can smoke on the
next street or along one of the alleyways here but not on this actual
'Okay...' I scurry in to an alley and find the rest of my people dragging on fags and looking a bit gimlet of eye.
At a loss for any proper way to thank
Lips and Stephen for all the spoiling of me I decide to buy them a
book each. Yeah, that'll cover it. I pick two Raymond Carver short
story books.
Lips arrives and I give him his. He
immediately dashes in to Barnes And Noble and buys me a copy of one
of his favourite books.
I text my niece in Malta: “I've
bought champagne, I've bought books. Short of making them something
out of antacid pills I'm sunk.”
She writes back: “Make a matt out of
your pubic hair. That way they'll know you really put something of
yourself in to the gift.”
She says I made her this way.
As we drive along the coast Lips tells
me that Malibu is where all the beautiful people are. And all the
plastic surgery too.
We arrive and have a Bloody Mary at a
place called Hank's so I can see the view of the ocean and all the
surfers. We then head to a Cuban place for lunch. I don't see any
beautiful people. I see a lot of scary thin miserable looking women
in expensive clothes that hang off their scrawny arses. One woman
completely freaks me out. She's got to be about sixty judging by her
neck and hands. From behind she looks twenty. She's wearing low slung
tight jeans just above her pubic bone and has huge fake breasts. Her
hair is long and blonde and her face is smooth and line free but
slightly puffy looking. Her lips are full and sensual and her eyes
are old and sunken. She's such an optical illusion I can't stop
watching her. She's weirdly coquettish, almost shy which just adds to
my deep sense of unease. I see her several times as we wander around
the shopping area. She's alone, wandering too, with a skimmed
something or other with a straw which she takes frequent sips from.
She looks lonely, like she needs a bear hug. I watch her flutter
about nervously before climbing in to her red sports car and driving
off to god knows what.
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Sunset at Nobu |
They take me to Nobu on the beach where
we drink champagne and watch the sun set. It's so lovely we stay for
hours and end up eating at the bar. I have a Lychee Martini and offer
a taste to Stephen who sips it and nods;
'Yup, hate it. Couldn't hate it more.'
He doesn't mince his words that one.
The following morning we're up at 7am,
Lips immaculate as always, me staring in to space with a coffee and a
fag. We're having an early brunch with Barbara at Cecone's. We drop
Bradley and Andersen off at the “Posh Pets Hotel” where they
don't give us so much as a backward glance.
When we get to Cecone's Barbara is
there with her husband Darin, their son Atticus (who's smile makes
even my atrophied ovaries wheeze briefly in to life) and a friend
called Amy. Amy and her wife live between New York and Venice Beach.
She's dry and funny and we discover we're on the same flight to
london on monday.
I go to the toilet and when I get back
Barbara is grinning at me.
'So I hear you're planning to meet a
cowboy in Vegas and get married by Elvis.'
'Yes, that's correct.'
'Not going to happen,' Lips assures me.
'But - '
'Thea, no.' Stephen says in the same
tone he uses when Andersen Cooper pisses inside the house.
Darin hugs me and says bye with the
following wisdom:
'Have a great time. Be bad.'
'Have a great time. Be bad.'
We leave and head over to Rodeo Drive.
I'm on the phone to my mum as they hand the car over to the valet.
'Mum, I'm going to Vegas!'
'That's nice dear. Give Lips and
Stephen my love.'
'MUM. I'm going to VEGAS.'
'I know. I can see the headlines now:
“I lost my child to Vegas.” Don't marry anyone.'
'But - '
'And don't drink too much. And don't
gamble away everything you own.'
When I get off the phone Lips says;
'Do you know where we are?'
I look up. It's a posh hotel.
'This is the Beverly Wiltshire.'
'It's nice.'
'It's where Pretty Woman was filmed. I
thought we could have a mimosa here so you can see it.'
Honestly, I couldn't love him more.
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Breakfast |
I dash inside and look for Richard
We sit at the bar and watch people come
and go. There are monuments of champagne everywhere.
Again, because of the Grammy's it's heaving with people in
huge sunglasses looking like they really don't want you to know that
they are very famous and therefore wearing sunglasses in the complete
lack of sun glare to make sure you don't recognise them...and their
I turn to Lips and quote Pretty Woman:
“In case I forget to tell you later, I had
a really good time tonight.”
He rolls his eyes and gives me a kiss.
'C'mon, Doll. We better head to the
Stephen suddenly looks panicked.
'Where's you luggage?'
'Here,' I say pointing to my satchel.
'That's it!?'
'Change of knickers and a toothbrush.'
'Wow,' he says conservatively.
It's time to go to Vegas.